Breeding-place Europoort, formerly known as “De Beer”
In commission of the Dutch museum of Photography, Rotterdam, Paul Bogaers realized an exhibition and a publication on the subject of the vanished nature reserve “De Beer”, nowadays known as the large-scale port and industrial area Eurpoort. In the early 1960’s this unique nature site, especially renowned for its large variety of bird species, was entirely sacrificed for the expansion of the ports of Rotterdam.
Bogaers combined photographs of his own hand with historical material on the subject, largely found in the collection of the museum. Thus he discovered that the main continuity in the history of the area, strikingly enough, is nature.
The publication is meant as a work on its own rather than a exhibition catalogue. A special collaboration with graphic designer René Put and photo editor Frank van der Stok, resulted in a book with four separate booklets, that are ‘nested’ within. Most part of the historical material is concentrated in the ‘parent’ book that is entirely printed in black and white, whereas most of Bogaers’ photographs are reproduced in the ‘children’, three of which are in colour. The fourth of these inlays gives an overview of the history of the area of ‘De Beer’, currently known as ‘Europoort’.
Photographic project, achieved 2004/05. Exhibition at the Nederlands Fotomuseum (Dutch museum of Photography), Rotterdam, 2005.
Publication: Artimo publishers, 2005. Design: René Put. Photo edit: Paul Bogaers and Frank van der Stok.
Distribution: IJzer publishers, /
110 pages., 16,5 x 24 cm., EUR 15,– ISBN 90-8546-041-7